QUIZ 3, CS257, Spring 99 name:________________________________ uid:_______________@unm.edu Data and procedures and the values they amass, Higher-order functions to combine and mix and match, Objects with their local state, the messages they pass, A property, a package, the control point for a catch - In the Lambda Order they are all first-class. One Thing to name them all, One Thing to define them, One Thing to place them in environments and bind them, In the Lambda Order they are all first-class. --MIT AI Memo 848b (R4RS) Fill in the blanks in this Scheme session. (2 points ea) Welcome to MzScheme version 53 > (let ((a 1) (b 2)) (let ((a (+ a b 1000)) (b (+ a b 100))) (list a b))) _________________________ > (map (lambda (g) (g 2 3)) (list + * list max)) ___________________________ > (list (or 'one 'two) (and 'one 'two)) ___________________________ > (define add1 (lambda (x) (+ x 1))) > ((repeat (repeat add1 _____) 10) 1000) 1040