Acoustic Source Separation and Localization

This page is a for now nothing but place holder. But let me say that I have a Bayesian approach to the subject, and aim to construct principled yet efficient algorithms that perform simultaneous source separation and localization.

There is a great deal of source separation information on the web. Let me in particular direction your attention to:

Tony Bell's ICA page
Paris Smaragdis' ICA & BSS page (MIT)
Allan Barros's ICA page in Japan.
Jean-François Cardoso
Andrzej Cichocki
Shun-ichi Amari
Mark Girolami's Home Page
NIPS*96 Signal Processing Workshop
BSS Research (Experiments at RIKEN in Japan)

Acoustic localization has less of a web presence, and I have not yet had time to post here what I do know of.

Barak Pearlmutter <>